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Gift for family
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Gift for family
Free shipping over $29
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY
High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox-OXIMETERBUY

High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox

High Power Karaoke Bluetooth Speaker Portable 360 Stereo Surround Waterproof Wireless Subwoofer with Dual Microphone Boombox
85% 引き $66.46 USD (税込) $437.64 USD
Colsur Portable K-Song Bluetooth Speaker (New 2023)
Product model: S882
Bluetooth version: 5.3
Speaker battery capacity: 3.7V/3000mAh (dual MOS)
Microphone battery capacity: 3.7V/600 mAh (single MOS)
Horn: 105mm, 3 Ω 2
Power: 100W peak
Effective distance:>10 meters
Playback duration: Speaker ≥ 8-10H, microphone>2-4H
Charging time: Speaker ≥ 2-3H, microphone ≥ 2-3H
Response frequency range: 60 Hz -20 kHz
Main functions: Bluetooth, TF card/disc playback, call mode, KTV
Change of voice: original voice, male voice, female voice, doll voice, magic voice
Input/output: DC 5V-1A
Material: ABS+UV+electroplating Color: black, white
Product size:
Bare metal size (mm): 168 * 139 * 171
Weight: 1.39KG
Packaging list: Instruction manual * 1/Type-C charging cable * 1/Speaker * 1/Microphone * 2

Selling point:

1. Adopting the latest Bluetooth chip v5.3, more compatible and energy-saving;
2. Ultra portable design, designed for gatherings and camping;
3. Dual wireless karaoke, enjoying a ktv like karaoke experience;
4.4 inch large caliber high-power speakers bring immersive music enjoyment;
5. Accompaniment and reverb dual volume display, making control easier

360° Stereo Sound

The built-in super-power wireless Bluetooth audio system can produce strong bass and crisp treble, and the PA system can achieve all-round stereo reproduction. And has a "vocal elimination" function, which allows you to freely remove the vocals and switch the vocal accompaniment, automatically weakening the original singing. Let you enjoy your own music time with just one click.

  • 4-8 Hours of playtime

  • Voice changer mode

  • Reverberation,Echo

  • Vocals freely removed

  • Premium sound quality

  • Multiple connection methods

  • 6.3" Smaller size with powerful PA system


Comes with 2 Wireless Microphones

  • Separate controls are provided for sound effects, volume and switch settings.

  • You can click the TONE button on the speaker or the EFF button on the microphone to switch between 5 sound effects that will add more joy to your party.

  • Sound effect button: switch between original sound, male sound, female sound, baby sound, magic sound


Bluetooth 5.0 Connection

Built-in Bluetooth 5.0,has a working range of up to 40 feet, and pairs with your iPhone, Android phone, iPad, tablet and PC without cables.

Turn on your device's bluetooth button, then you can connect your device to the speaker.

Multifunctional Connection

Our microphone speaker can not only play music via bluetooth connection, but also support USB/TF card and Aux. You can put them all into a USB or TF card, so you can plug them into the port and play your favorite music. And use an auxiliary cable to connect to a TV or other device that doesn't have a bluetooth mode and play your favorite music.


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