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Gift for family
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Gift for family
Free shipping over $29
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY
Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision  Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS-OXIMETERBUY

Mirror Dash Cam Backup Camera / 2160P Full HD Smart Rearview Mirror / Cars & Trucks Front and Rear View Dual Cameras / Night Vision Parking Assistance / Free 32GB Card & GPS

63% 引き $149.00 USD (税込) $399.00 USD
4K + 2.5K

About this item

  • 4K+2.5K Clarity & WDR: Our mirror dash cam combines a 4K UHD front camera and a waterproof 2.5K rear camera, offering superior front and rear view coverage for enhanced safety. Featuring advanced WDR technology, it effortlessly adjusts to changing light conditions, ensuring exceptional night vision from both angles.
  • 12" IPS & Smart Touch Screen - Enjoy crystal-clear recordings day and night on the 12'' IPS touchscreen with anti-glare treatment. It seamlessly conceals your original rearview mirror while providing a split-screen view for simultaneous front and rear dash camera display.
  • Seamless WiFi Connectivity: Effortlessly connect the rear view mirror camera to your smartphone using the dedicated "maiyue Cam" app via 5G WiFi. You can enjoy real-time video previews, easy sharing, and convenient video downloads, playback, and editing. Stay connected and in control with just a few taps!
  • Effortless Voice Control: Control the rear view mirror dash camera effortlessly using your voice. With 8 voice commands, you can start or stop recording, capture still photos, and more, all without the need for manual adjustments while driving, ensuring a safer and more convenient journey.
  • Free 64GB Card & Loop Recording - Our rearview mirror camera comes with a free 64GB memory card and features loop recording, which automatically replaces older footage with new recordings. This ensures that you never miss a moment of your journey.
  • GPS-Enabled Dash Cam: Our dashcam features GPS function, recording vital data such as your driving route, real-time speed, and precise location. You can conveniently track it through the App or our dedicated DVPlayer, which serves as valuable additional evidence if an accident occurs.
  • 24-Hour Parking Monitor: Our rearview mirror dash cam provides continuous parking surveillance, safeguarding your vehicle day and night. It utilizes time-lapse recording to efficiently manage video storage and power consumption, enhancing security without additional costs. An additional ACC hardwire kit is required for this feature.