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Gift for family
Free shipping over $29
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY
Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with  RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)-OXIMETERBUY

Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)

Parabolic Softbox Quick Release Compatible with RC 120D/RC 120B/RC 220D/RC220B and Other Bowens Mount Light (21.6inch/55cm)
67% 引き $137.58 USD (税込) $412.50 USD

About this item

  • 【Quick Release Design & Lightweight and Foldable】Using the original developed quick release structure, it can be quickly installed and removed in just 15 seconds. The parabolic opening size is Φ21.6 x 14.6 in, it's foldable for easy storage, weighs only 1.1 kg and comes with a storage bag for easy portability. This is a very handy lightbox for those who use at multiple shooting locations.
  • 【Enhancing the Shooting Effect】The softbox adopts a two-layer cloth structure made of Oxford cloth and high-grade reflective materials, with multi-layer coating. It is durable and reflective, while maintaining the original color temperature and color Rendering Index (CRI) while spreading the light more evenly and wider for improved shooting results.
  • 【High Durability]】The  light softbox is supported by 16 ribs that form a rounded surface for a specific depth of surface effect. It adopts military umbrella ribs, which are lightweight and durable, high elasticity, and can withstand tens of thousands of presses without deformation. In addition, all the ribs of the umbrella are attached to the outside, which gives a smoother and more uniform coating effect on the inside, and does not affect the reflected light function inside.
  • 【Adjustable Light Direction】 softbox comes with 2 pieces of high-quality diffuser cloth and 1 piece of fabric mesh (the beam angle is concentrated at 45° , which can be freely combined when using, and can play a positive role in various situations. For example, it can be applied to portrait photography, studio photography, LED video light photography, flash photography, etc.
  • 【Wide Compatibility and Package Includes】Not only  video lights (RC 120D / RC 120B / RC 220D / RC 220B), but also other bowens mount standard led light, COB light and video light can be attached to our softbox. The package Includes: 1 x Softbox, 1 x Honeycomb, 1 x Internal Diffusion, 1 x External Diffuse, 1 x Carry Bag, 1x User Manual.