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Gift for family
Free shipping over $29
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY
Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing-OXIMETERBUY

Podcast Equipment Bundle / 48V XLR Podcast Microphone Bundle / Voice Changer with Adjustable Mic Stand / Studio Condenser Microphone for Smartphone PC, DJ, Video Recording, Streaming, Gaming and Singing

🛒You will get 🎙️1Pcs*48V XLR Microphone/1Pcs*DJ Mixer, 1Pcs*3.5mm Headphones, ✅1Pcs * desktop microphone stand / 1Pcs * microphone shock-proof stand / 1Pcs * pop-up cover, ✅1Pcs 100% Windproof Foam Cap, 1Pcs 100% XLR to XLR Microphone Cable, ✅1Pcs* USB to Type-C data cable, 2 Pcs* 3.5mm TRRS audio cable, 1Pcs*OTG data cable
60% 引き $120.24 USD (税込) $298.00 USD

About this item

  • 【Upgraded Podcast Equipment Bundle】The podcast mirophone bundle is an all-in-one solution for podcasters and streamers, featuring a high-quality 48V XLR microphone, adjustable microphone stand, plug and play live sound card, produces clear, crisp sound quality, adjust your voice and sound effects in real-time, ensuring that your content is always professional and engaging. This audio interface is perfect choice for anyone who wants to start podcasting or streaming without any hassle.
  • 【Superior Sound Quality XLR Microphone】The podcast microphone bundle is equipped with excellent performance 48V recording microphone, that can help you achieve the perfect sound, built-in quality pre-ampsan and support phantom power for best performance of streaming microphone. The studio equipment of this podcast equipment bundle has a dual DSP noise reduction chip that ensures crystal clear audio. Perfect for content creators, podcasters, and musicians.
  • 【Rich Sound Effects & 4 Voice Changer】All-in-one dj equipment has 4 sound variations(Female、Male、Child and Monster) and can take control of your podcast's sound with 23 built-in sound effects and 6 professional modes that allow for endless creativity, you can enjoy seamless transitions between 4 sound modes and 13 functions, thanks to the bundle's dual DSP noise reduction chip and 1800 mAh high capacity rechargeable battery that offer up to 10 hours of high-definition live broadcast and say goodbye to boring, monotone recordings.
  • 【Versatile and High Compatibility】The microphone for singing is suitable for smart phones, computer, PS4, Xbox, Switch and any game platform. This vlogging kit with strong compatibility across a wide range of devices and platforms such as Windows, IOS, Android, Mac OS and so on. With a great design, superb sound, and full control to optimize vocal and sound effects. Whether you're at home or on the go, this studio microphone bundle is easy to set up and use, so you can create high-quality podcasts, videos, and more from Tiktok, Youtube, etc. But if your phone does not have a 3.5mm jack, you need an OTG adapter (not included).
  • 【RGB Lighting Effect】The cool breathing light and LED display bring a strong light effect experience. the lights follow the rhythm, and various operations of the youtube starter kit are fed back to the LED display in real time, With real-time feedback on the LED display, you can easily find and access the function buttons you need, so you can elevate your podcast production with this all-in-one audio mixer.
  • 【100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee】Please charge the studio equipment after you get it. We provide a 12 month warranty, no reason to return for 40 days. Considering the complexity of the product, you may encounter some problems during the use, please contact us in time, we will provide one-on-one professional staff to help you solve the problem within 12 hours and make you easily start the live broadcast.
  • 【You Will Get】1 * 48V XLR Microphone, 1 * DJ Mixer, 1* 3.5mm Earphone, 1 * Desktop Microphone Stand, 1 * Mic Shock Mount, 1 * Pop Filter, 1 * Anti-wind Foam Cap, 1* XLR to XLR Mic Cable, 1 * USB to Type C Data Cable, 2 * 3.5 mm TRRS Audio Cable, 1 * User Manual.