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2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY 2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY 2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY 2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY 2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY 2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY 2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY 2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY
2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting-OXIMETERBUY

2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting

2 Pack Photography Video Lighting Kit, LED Video Light with 62'' Tripod Stand, Tinpops 2500-8500K Studio Streaming Lighting for Video Recording Live Game Podcast YouTube Portrait Photo Shooting
71% 引き ¥13,120 JPY (税込) ¥45,625 JPY
62'' Tripod Stand

About this item

  • The 352 pcs SMD LEDs design has low-heat output for added safety, with no ultraviolet or infrared-light radiation. Highest Light Quality CRI 97+ and Maximum Brightness 1200 Lumens. Letting you get plenty of light as well as the option to shift between color temperatures from a warm 2500K up to a cooler 8500K.
  • The LED light features 3 light modes (cold white/8500K, warm white/5600K, and warm yellow/2500K) as well as 10 adjustable brightness levels for each mode. You can adjust brightness levels( 10%-100%) for a plethora of lighting scenarios, as well as a 360-degree rotation for all sorts of lighting angles.
  • The tripod stand extends from 23.6 to 64.8 inches. The 360° ball head can ensure 360 degree horizontal rotating and 180-degree bending to any angle for photography. Button controls to tweak color and brightness in increments. Whether you're streaming, on a video call, lecturing, or taking selfies, you can expect a professional-quality image with minimal shadow and perfectly enhanced features.
  • Powered by USB charge port. The dimension of Length-7.4''*Width-10.5''. The bigger light area perfect for vlogging, portrait photography, conference calls, video recording, and live streaming. This reduces shadows in the face and minimizes blemishes, while illuminating the eyes.
  • Packing List And Services: 2* Led Panel Lights, 2* 64.8'' Led Light Stand, 2* USB Wall Adapter, 2*360° Ball Head, 1*Travel Bag, 1*User Manual. Welcome to send email to us when you have questions. Which comes with adjustable tripod and designer travel bag, so you can express your creativity with your content anywhere you want. Perfect for makeup artist, a stylist, a tattoo artist, a photographer, a vlogger, an online educator, streaming live content, engaging in business video calls.