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Gift for family
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Gift for family
Free shipping over $29
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY 62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY 62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY 62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY 62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY 62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY 62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY 62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY 62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY 62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY
62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet-OXIMETERBUY

62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet

62" Professional Selfie Stick Tripod, Stable 4 Leg Design, Bluetooth Remote, 100% All Aluminum Stick & Legs, Lightweight, Portable All in One, Compatible with iPhone & Android, Non Skid Feet
65% 引き ¥5,253 JPY (税込) ¥15,047 JPY

About this item

  • 2023 UPGRADED MODEL SELFIE STICK TRIPOD WITH NEW 4 LEG DESIGN: Latest Professional Selfie Stick Tripod Combo. First Ever Selfie Stick With 4 Ultra Stable Legs. Take Non Wobbly Selfies Or Group Photos With This Reliable 4 Leg Phone Stand.
  • HIGH QUALITY BLUETOOTH REMOTE UPGRADED FOR 2023: Take Photos & Videos Up To 100 Feet Away, An Industry High. NEW Simple One Button Operation. iPhone & Android Compatible. Remote Can Be Pressed 100,000 Times = (100,000 photos). Remote Standby Time Is 3-5 Years.
  • MEGA EXTENDABLE TELESCOPIC LENGTH AT 62" : Maximum 62" Extension, 64" With Phone Mount Attached. For Unique Photos & Videos. Easy Click Locks, For Quick & Secure Use.
  • MULTI-ANGLE ROTATION FOR CREATIVE SHOOTING - Choose Horizontal Or Vertical Camera Modes With 270° Neck And 360° Phone Holder Rotation. Allows For The Best Shooting Angles And Capturing Beautiful Photos.
  • TWO GIFTS IN ONE, FOR ALL AGES: Selfie Stick And Tripod For The Same Price. Friendly Customer Service From Houston,Tx Since 2006.