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Gift for family
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Gift for family
Free shipping over $29
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY
Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S-OXIMETERBUY

Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S

Gaming USB Microphone, Noise Cancellation Condenser mic with Mute, Gain, Monitoring, Boom Arm for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, Discord, PC, Computer, PS4, PS5, Mac, GamerWave DGM20S
80% 引き ¥7,573 JPY (税込) ¥37,010 JPY

About this item

  • MORE FOCUS AND CLARITY - This gaming microphone with one-click noise cancellation technology, which can effectively eliminate background noise. Whether it's multiplayer online games, cooperative games, or competitive games, the USB microphone can capture game players' voices clearly, thereby enhancing the collaboration and competitiveness of the game. Cardioid pickup focuses more on capturing sound from the mic front, providing better sound quality and accuracy for gaming streaming or voice.
  • CONTROLLABLE RGB LIGHTING - You can change the color of RGB lights to match your game streaming aesthetic. The computer microphone has 9 personalized RGB lighting modes, Soft and coordinated lighting effects make your gaming video or gaming live broadcast stand out from the crowd. Long-pressing the RGB button turns off the RGB lights, while a short press turn on the lights and adjusts the light color.
  • EASIER MULTIFUNCTION USE - One-click the mute button on top of the PC microphone to turn on mute mode, and you can easily control your game audio. Take control of your on-stream sound with the mic gain knob, you can check if your voice level is too high or too low and adjust accordingly. The zero-latency monitoring allows you to easily maintain professional sound quality with a gaming mic.
  • PLUG AND PLAY - The game streaming microphone is compatible with Windows PC computer laptop, Mac, and PS4/5. The gaming USB microphone is ready to capture it when inspiration strikes. Just plug the mic straight into your computer or laptop with the included USB and USB C cable, and you're all set to record or stream, right away, No drivers are required.
  • STURDY & FLEXIBLE ARM STAND - The easy-to-position metal arm stand adjusts to support a variety of setups, You can quickly pull the podcast microphone near your mouth when in use, or fold it away to save more space. The shock mount can further reduce game-induced machine noise and vibration, and the removable pop filter can reduce noise without blocking the gaming computer screen.
  • WHAT YOU GET - The USB gaming PC microphone set package includes, USB condenser microphone*1, Metal Boom arm stand*1, Shock mount*1, Pop filter*1, USB and USB C cable*1, Desktop Clamp*1, User's Manual*1. We provide 24hr professional customer service and a 12-month warranty. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.